About Us

John & Mindy have lived in McKinney, Texas for 22 years. John is a Planned Giving Officer for a major private university in Texas. Mindy is an 8th grade Public School Teacher. In his spare time, John loves learning new things and, of course, making custom, quality pieces that will last for generations.


How Pricing Works

How do we determine how much to charge for each item? There are 3 things we need to account for: the cost of the material itself, the cost of the labor, and the cost of the shop as a whole. I charge a very reasonable labor rate of $30 per hour. I have made enough items to know how long it will take me. The material costs are almost exclusively the price of the wood. Anything you take home with you is part of the material cost. Finally, I have a significant financial investment in all the tools that I use. These tools must be maintained, occasionally replaced and there are on-going supplies that must be purchased regularly.

These 3 numbers together give us our price:

Materials + Labor + Shop Costs = Your Price